Introduction and Problem Statement

Taelor is a clothing on-demand service for men. Powered by artificial intelligence in combination with a top-notch team of stylists, they deliver the pieces of clothing that will make you stand out in your everyday life. You can wear the clothes for a few weeks, and when you're ready to swap, just return the dirty clothes. And if you like what you order, you can keep them. Taelor had the beginnings of an influencer marketing program but was having trouble testing distinct strategies across different influencer groups without meaningfully increasing their internal resources. They used various influencer discovery platforms before realizing they still needed outside help on the execution and analytics side of their campaigns. Taelor wanted a solution that helped them run multiple campaigns at once, with multiple creators per campaign, analyze the results of each, and understand why one performed better than the other.


Word on the Block structured four different campaigns for Taelor, each around a different hypothesis about what segments of the market, and what brand message, would lead to the best conversion results. Each campaign consisted of Word on the Block-sourced influencers with elite engagement rates and past conversion results for similar brands. Word on the Block handled the influencer sourcing, negotiations, contracting, scheduling, content execution, and posting, while Taelor sat at the ‘Campaign Manager’ level overseeing the progress without having to get their hands dirty in the day-to-day minutia. Each campaign was structured to optimize for conversions, so each influencer engagement consisted of a combination of organic posts, Story supplements, comment engagement, and paid amplification with embedded landing page links. After one month of testing, we found two of the four campaigns generated superior sales metrics for Taelor, so we doubled down on those two campaigns in month two. Month two showed a drastic improvement in one of the campaigns, with stagnant results in the other. In month three, we focused on pouring fuel on the best performing campaign, resulting in a ROAS of 2:1. We drove improvements in every subsequent month, with a steady stream of top-notch influencer offers to choose from.


After two months of testing, ROAS hit 2:1, providing enough proof that the campaign was worth doubling down on. A few short months later, ROAS hit 4:1 and is now over 5:1, meaning every $1 Taelor spends on their influencer marketing campaigns turn into $5 of measurable sales through their e-commerce site. Taelor’s cost per acquired sale has improved by 35% since starting its work with Word on the Block.

Average Engagement Rate
Influencers Engaged

Creator Content